Monday, 2 March 2020

Case Merge | Combine Duplicate Cases | Spring 20 Release Notes

Finally case merge feature is generally available from Sprint 20. Now agent can merge the duplicate cases like account and contacts. This functionality is not available in Classic. Even if you have added the button in standard button section, it will not appear on the page layout in Classic

To use the case merge you need to follow below step

1) Enable case merge

 First of all you need to enable the merge case feature from Feature Setting->Service-> Case Merge. Like below image.

 2) Add Button on case layout:

Once you have added case merge button on page Layout, You can check it by going to the record like below image

3) Select duplicate records

Once you click on the Merge Cases action It will open a popup to select the cases to be Merge.
You can select the 2 to 3 record at a time

4) Merge Record

Once you have selected it, Click on next. It will give you option to select your master case and master case field values

If your org chooses to delete merged cases, then only the master case is saved. The merged cases are soft deleted and are available in to the recycle bin for 15 days

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