Saturday, 24 February 2018

Salesforce Apex Hours

Hello Everyone !

"Salesforce Apex Hours" is a recurring event to talk about Salesforce !  We are happy that we completed 3 successful Online event in last three week on below topic :-
  1. Big Object
  2. Spring 18 Lightning Component Framework Updates
  3. Introduction to External Services

Please join / subscribe our YouTube Channel for old and future recording.
Link :-

All PPT are hosted here.
Link :-

Our Upcoming session :-
  1. Lightning Testing Service (LTS) ( March 10, 2018 )
  2. Basics of Analytics Wave  ( March 24, 2018 )
  3. SSIS integration with Salesforce ( April 7, 2018 )

Dnt forget to RSVP. Click here for RSVP

Please feel free to share your feedback to us on my email id .

Amit Chaudhary