Friday 2 January 2015

Quick Deployment :- Features i like most

You can now deploy components to production by skipping the execution of all Apex tests for components that have been validated within the last four days. With Quick Deploy, you no longer have to wait for all tests to run for your deployment to complete in production, and your deployment will likely finish in less than 30 minutes.
As part of a deployment, all Apex tests are run in production. If the production organization contains many Apex tests, the execution of all tests can be time-consuming and can delay your deployment. To reduce deployment time to production, you can perform a quick deployment by skipping the execution of all tests. Quick deployments are available for change sets and Metadata API components when the following requirements are met.
  • The components have been validated successfully for the target environment within the last four days (96 hours).
  • As part of the validation, all Apex tests in the target organization have passed.
  • The overall code coverage in the organization is at least 75%, and Apex triggers have some coverage.
A validation is a deployment that’s used only to check the results of deploying components and doesn’t save any components in the organization. A validation enables you to view the success or failure messages that you would receive with an actual deployment. You can validate change sets or metadata components through the API or the Migration Tool.

Performing a Quick Deployment through the User Interface or the API

To perform a quick deployment, first run a validation-only deployment with Apex test execution on the set of components that you need to deploy. If your validation succeeds and qualifies for a quick deployment, you can start a quick deployment.

You can quick-deploy validated change sets and Metadata API components in the user interface. In the Deployment Status page, deploy a recent validation by clicking Quick Deploy next to your validation or on the validation’s detail page. This button appears only for qualifying validations.

you can start a quick deployment through the Metadata API by calling deployRecentValidation() and passing it the validation ID. Use this API call to deploy Metadata API components. This call doesn’t apply to change sets.

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