An area of a page that includes content from a second template page. Template pages are Visualforce pages that include one or more <apex:insert> components. The <apex:composition> component names the associated template, and provides body for the template's <apex:insert> components with matching <apex:define> components. Any content outside of an <apex:composition> component is not rendered.<apex:define>
A template component that provides content for an <apex:insert> component defined in a Visualforce template page.<apex:insert>
A template component that declares a named area that must be defined by an <apex:define > component in another Visualforce page. Use this component with the <apex:composition > and <apex:define > components to share data between multiple pages.NOTE:-
1) All templates defined using <apex:composition> must have one or more child <apex:insert> tags.
2) An <apex:insert> tag indicates to pages that import the template that a section needs a definition.
3) Any Visualforce page that imports a template using <apex:composition> must use <apex:define> to specify the content of each <apex:insert> section of the template.
The <apex:composition> component fetches the Visualforce template page you created earlier, and the <apex:define> component fills the named holes in that template. You can create multiple pages that use the same component, and just vary the placeholder text
Example 1 :- simple example
Composition page
<apex:outputText value="(template) This is before the header"/><br/>
<apex:insert name="header"/><br/>
<apex:outputText value="(template) This is between the header and body"/><br/>
<apex:insert name="body"/>
Main Page
<apex:outputText value="(template) This is before the header"/><br/>
<apex:insert name="header"/><br/>
<apex:outputText value="(template) This is between the header and body"/><br/>
<apex:insert name="body"/>
<apex:composition template="composition">
<apex:define name="header">(page) This is the header of mypage</apex:define>
<apex:define name="body">(page) This is the body of mypage</apex:define>
<apex:composition template="composition">
<apex:define name="header">(page) This is the header of mypage</apex:define>
<apex:define name="body">(page) This is the body of mypage</apex:define>
HTML Output
(template) This is before the header<br/> (page) This is the header of mypage<br/> (template) This is between the header and body<br/> (page) This is the body of mypage
Example 2 :- With controller
Template VF page
<apex:page controller="compositionExample">
<h1 style="color:Red"><apex:insert name="Title" /></h1>
<BR> </BR>
<BR> </BR>
<apex:form >
<apex:outputLabel value="First Name: " for="nameField"/>
<apex:inputText id="nameField" value="{!FirstName}"/>
<br/> <br/>
<apex:insert name="LastNameSection" />
<br/> <br/>
<apex:insert name="AgeSection" />
<br/> <br/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Save" id="saveButton"/>
Controller class
public class compositionExample{
public String FirstName{get;set;}
public String LastName{get;set;}
public String Age{get;set;}
public String colorField {get;set;}
public compositionExample()
public PageReference save() {
return null;
<apex:page controller="compositionExample">
<apex:messages />
<apex:composition template="myCompositionForm">
<apex:define name="Title">How to write templates In Visual Force page
<apex:define name="LastNameSection">
<apex:outputLabel value="Last Name: " for="LastName"/>
<apex:inputText id="mealField" value="{!LastName}"/>
<apex:define name="AgeSection">
<apex:outputLabel value="Age: " for="Age"/>
<apex:inputText id="ageField" value="{!Age}"/>
<apex:outputLabel value=" Color: " for="colorField"/>
<apex:inputText id="colorField" value="{!colorField}"/>
Template VF page
<apex:page> <apex:insert name="name" /> </apex:page>
Controller class with pageReference which will return template Name
public class dynamicComposition { public PageReference getmyTemplate() { return Page.myTemplatePage; } }
<apex:page controller="dynamicComposition"> <apex:composition template="{!myTemplate}"> <apex:define name="name"> Hello {!$User.FirstName} </apex:define> </apex:composition> </apex:page>
Amit Chaudhary