
Saturday, 6 June 2015

Best Practice for Test classes | Sample Test class

In this post we will talk about best practice for test classes with test class examples in Salesforce. We will also talk about how to write Salesforce test class for controller, test class for Standard Controller, test class for trigger in salesforce with example.

What to Test In Apex? recommends the following components need to test.

1. Single Records: 

This includes testing to verify that a single record produces the correct, expected result

2. Bulk Records: 

Any apex code, whether a triggers, a class or on extension may be used for 1to 200 records we must test not only the single record case, but the bulk cases as well.

3. Positive scenarios: 

This type of component testing expect a system to save a record without error.

4. Negative scenarios: 

This type of component testing expect a system to give error.

5. Restricted User: 

Test whether a user with restricted access to the objects used in code sees the expected behavior, i.e whether they can run the code or receive error messages.

Here Example of Test Classes

Test Class for Trigger

public class TriggerTestClass 
    static testMethod void testMethod1() 
  // Perform DML here only

Test Class for Standard Controller

public class ExtensionTestClass 
 static testMethod void testMethod1() 
 Account testAccount = new Account();
 testAccount.Name='Test Account record' ;
 insert testAccount;

  ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(testAccount);
  myControllerExtension testAccPlan = new myControllerExtension(sc);

  PageReference pageRef = Page.AccountPlan; // Add your VF page Name here
  pageRef.getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(testAccount.Id));

  //; call all your function here

Test Class for Controller class

public class ControllerTestClass 
 static testMethod void testMethod1() 
 Account testAccount = new Account();
 testAccount.Name='Test Account record' ;
 insert testAccount;


  PageReference pageRef = Page.AccountPlan; // Add your VF page Name here
  pageRef.getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(testAccount.Id));

  myController testAccPlan = new myController();
  //; call all your function here

Test Class for StandardSetController

public class TestStandardSetController 
 static testMethod void testMethod1() 
 List <Account> lstAccount = new List<Account>();
 Account testAccount = new Account();
 testAccount.Name='Test Account' ;
 Account testAccount1 = new Account();
 testAccount1.Name='Test Account11' ;

 insert  lstAccount;
  ApexPages.StandardSetController stdSetController = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(lstAccount);
  YOUR_Extension ext = new YOUR_Extension(stdSetController);

Please follow below salesforce Best Practice for Test Classes :-

1. Test class must start with @isTest annotation if class class version is more than 25
2. Test environment support @testVisible, @testSetup as well
3. Unit test is to test particular piece of code working properly or not .
4. Unit test method takes no argument, send no email ,
commit no data to database and flagged with testMethod keyword .
5. To deploy to production at least 75% code coverage is required
6. Test method and test classes are not counted as a part of code limit
7. System.debug statement are not counted as a part of apex code limit.8. We should not focus on the  percentage of code coverage ,we should make sure that every use case should covered including positive, negative,bulk and single record .
  • Single Action -To verify that the the single record produces the correct an expected result .
  • Bulk action -Any apex record trigger ,class or extension must be invoked for 1-200 records .
  • Positive behavior : Test every expected behavior occurs through every expected permutation , i,e user filled out every correctly data and not go past the limit .
  • Negative Testcase :-Not to add future date , Not to specify negative amount.
  • Restricted User :-Test whether a user with restricted access used in your code .
9. Test class should be annotated with @isTest .
10 . @isTest annotation with test method  is equivalent to testMethod keyword .
11. Test method should static and no void return type .

12. Test class and method default access is private ,no matter to add access specifier .
13. Classes with @isTest annotation can't be a interface or enum .
14. Test method code can't be invoked by non test request .
15. Stating with salesforce API 28.0 test method can not reside inside non test classes .
16. @Testvisible annotation to make visible private methods inside test classes.
17. Test method can't be used to test web-service call out . Please use call out mock .
18. You can't  send email from test method.

19.User, profile, organization, AsyncApexjob, Corntrigger, RecordType, ApexClass, ApexComponent ,ApexPage we can access without (seeAllData=true) .
20. SeeAllData=true will not work for API 23 version eailer .
21. Accessing static resource test records in test class e,g List<Account> accList=Test.loadData(Account,SobjectType,'ResourceName').
22. Create TestFactory class with @isTest annotation to exclude from organization code size limit .
23. @testSetup to create test records once in a method  and use in every test method in the test class .
24. We can run unit test by using Salesforce Standard UI, IDE ,Console ,API.
25. As apex runs in system mode so the permission and record sharing are not taken into account . So we need to use system.runAs to enforce record sharing .
26. System.runAs will not enforce user permission or field level permission .
27. Every test to runAs count against the total number of DML issued in the process .

Please check below post to learn more about test classes.

Please let us know if this post will help you

Amit Chaudhary


  1. Hi Amith

    I need dyanamically apex code In below requirement can u plz send me to this mail id

    Given any Endpoint Url (Dyanamically) input--------> Apex Class r page----------> Generate SOAP request output.

    Thanks in Advance

  2. I simply like your substance. It will slick and clear.. Much obliged for sharing..

  3. hi amit want to write test class for my custom controller :

    this is my vf page:---------------

    this is my custom controller:-----------------------
    public class insertController1 {

    public Property_Name__c prpty { get; set; }

    // Here initialize the prpty object
    public insertController1() {
    prpty = new Property_Name__c();

    public PageReference addNewprpty() {
    insert prpty;

    pagereference ref = new pagereference('/apex/tenant');
    return ref;

    plzz help me to write test class of tthis code.

  4. Hi Amit, Thank for your reply on the developers salesforce forum. It really hepled but haave another query. Could you please check teh link

  5. @Amit,
    Thanks for this post. It really helpful to every IT student. keep it up this good work.

  6. Hello Sir,
    Please help me for this trigger:
    We need the unit test to verify that a user that should not modify a Worker Status record is unable to Delete it, and then to verify that a user who IS supposed to modify a Worker Status record IS able to Delete it. How to get with trigger ?

  7. VMware is a virtualization and cloud computing software provider for x86-compatible computers.|

  8. "Test method should static and no void return type." Could you please help me out with return type for test method. What should i use as return type for test method?

  9. how to write the test class in this program
    private class ListViewController {
    public static WrappReturn getContact(String sObejctName, String fieldSetName, String currentRecId){


    //List dataBasedOnCurrentRecId = new List();
    List lstOfFieldApiNames = new List();
    Map GlobalDescribeMap = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
    Schema.SObjectType SObjectTypeObj = GlobalDescribeMap.get(sObejctName);
    // System.debug('>>>>>>');

    Schema.DescribeSObjectResult DescribeSObjectResultObj = SObjectTypeObj.getDescribe();
    List wrapFldsList = new List();

    Schema.FieldSet fieldSetObj = DescribeSObjectResultObj.FieldSets.getMap().get(fieldSetName);

    for(Schema.FieldSetMember obj : fieldSetObj.getFields()){

    String fldApiName = String.valueOf(obj.getFieldPath());
    String fldLabel = obj.getLabel();
    String fldType = String.valueOf(obj.getType());

    if(obj.getType() == Schema.DisplayType.REFERENCE){
    if(fldApiName.endsWithIgnoreCase('Id')){ // AccountId
    fldApiName = fldApiName.removeEndIgnoreCase('Id')+'.Name';
    }else if(fldApiName.endsWithIgnoreCase('__c')){
    fldApiName = fldApiName.removeEndIgnoreCase('__c')+'__r.Name';
    wrapFldsList.add(new WrapperFields(fldLabel, fldApiName, fldType));

    String query = 'SELECT '+ String.join(lstOfFieldApiNames, ',')+
    ' FROM '+sObejctName+
    ' WHERE Id =: currentRecId';
    Sobject dataObject = Database.query(query);
    return new WrappReturn(dataObject, wrapFldsList);

    public class WrappReturn{
    public sObject record;
    public List wrapFldsList;
    public WrappReturn(sObject record, List wrapFldsList){
    this.record = record;
    this.wrapFldsList = wrapFldsList;

    public class WrapperFields{
    public String fieldLabel;
    public String fldApiName;
    public String fldType;
    public WrapperFields(String fieldLabel,String fldApiName, String fldType){
    this.fieldLabel = fieldLabel;
    this.fldApiName = fldApiName;
    this.fldType = fldType;


  10. Can anyone help me out in this Test class. Could not able to cover for this method.
    public static void submitApp (Subscriptions__c sub){
    if(Sub.Id != '' || Sub.Id != Null){
    update Sub;
    throw new CustomException('Please enter a valid Subscription Id'); }
    Account acc = new Account();
    Acc = [SELECT Id, Name, Account_Name__c, City__c, State__c, County__c, Zip__c FROM Account WHERE Id =: sub.Related_Location_Broker_Office__c];
    MRIS_application__c application = new MRIS_application__c();

    if(Sub.Id != '' || Sub.Id != Null){
    application.Agent_Subscription_ID__c = Sub.Id;
    application.Billing_Jurisdiction__c = 'BRIGHT';
    if(application.Service_Jurisdiction__c == 'BRIGHT') {
    if(Acc.County__c != null) {
    List countiesList = new List();
    countiesList = [SELECT Id,
    FROM BRIGHT_Billing_Jurisdiction__c
    WHERE County__c = :Acc.County__c
    AND State__c = :Acc.State__c];
    system.debug('**countiesList**' +countiesList);
    if(countiesList.Size() > 0)
    application.Billing_Jurisdiction__c = countiesList[0].Billing_Jurisdiction__c;

    if(acc.Type == 'Appraiser' && sub.Subscription_Type__c == ' Personal Assistant'){
    application.Type__c = 'Assistant';
    application.Subscription_Type__c = 'Personal Assistant to Appraiser';

    else if(acc.Type != 'Appraiser' && sub.Subscription_Type__c == 'Personal Assistant'){
    application.Type__c = 'Assistant';
    application.Subscription_Type__c = 'Personal Assistant';

    else if(sub.Subscription_Type__c == 'Office Secretary'){
    application.Type__c = 'Staff';
    application.Subscription_Type__c = 'Office Secretary';

    insert application;

  11. 🎉 Awesome post! This really helps clarify the best practices for writing test classes in Salesforce. 👍

    I love that you included examples of test classes for different scenarios like triggers and standard controllers. 🙌

    And your tips are so helpful! Like making sure to test single and bulk records, positive and negative scenarios, and restricted user access. 🤓

    Thanks for sharing! 🌟

  12. Nice post thank you Tracey


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