
Friday, 18 November 2016

Success Story of : Amy Oplinger

Welcome to my First Salesforce Success Story series. This series is focused on success story and to inspire/encourage new user/Developer. And why we should join our local Salesforce Developer/User group.

1) Your Job Title

Amy :
- Consultant, Coastal Cloud

2) Your success Story

I used SFDC as an end user for about 5 years in my sales career. I was lucky enough to work at a company looking to implement a CRM, and I suggested Salesforce. They made me part of the implementation team and their Super User! Learning more about the back end of Salesforce scratched an itch in my brain that sales by itself never could. I went to another company in a sales capacity, and quickly saw their SFDC instance was a mess. I took it upon myself to write up the issues I saw, how i could fix it, and how it would benefit them. My boss agreed, and made me their Administrator on the spot! While splitting my time between Admin and Sales, it became clear to me that I wanted my day to be filled with 100% Salesforce. I spoke to my manager, and because they were small, they couldn’t support a FT Admin. So, I graciously resigned, with the goal of pursuing my Salesforce dream. I put my resume online that day, and within 24 hours, I was contacted by a recruiter and immediately placed on the SFDC team at GE Lighting in Cleveland as a consultant. It was there I met the person who would become my Salesforce mentor! Learning from my mentor at GE was like being in Salesforce bootcamp; I learned a great deal very quickly. I am now happily in another consultant role, where I gain exposure to many different instances of Salesforce, each with their own unique needs. My dream of working 100% of my day in the platform came true very quickly, once I took the leap to pursue it!    

3) Why we Should Join a Salesforce User/Developer Group

In addition to the online Success Community, go to the Developer UG meeting. Go to the regular UG meeting. Go to the WIT UG meetings(yes, men are welcomed!)- anything to connect in person with others on the platform. These are people you will soon lean on and learn from! 
(Amit :- Totally agree with Amy. We can search our near by Salesforce Developer group from here )

4) Advice for new Salesforce Developer

I would tell anyone new in the field to embrace the community- admins and devs alike! You have the Success community, User Groups, and Twitter to connect with fellow Salesforcians. Use each avenue to its fullest! Don't be afraid to ask questions. I also feel it’s very important to seek out a mentor..they can talk you through when you are having doubts or feeling overwhelmed! I was lucky enough to work with mine, but the success community is so supportive, you are bound to also find many virtual mentors! (Amit:- Also please start using trailhead for leaning and developer forum for any question in salesforce)

5) Trailhead badges

137 ( Amit :- OMG )

Follow Amy on:
Success Profile :-

If you want to share your Salesforce Success Story, Please feel free to drop me an email :-

                                                                                                                    NEXT >>

Amit Chaudhary
Twitter @amit_sfdc

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Apex Email Service | InboundEmail Object | Messaging.InboundEmailHandler in salesforce

Email Service

Email service is special processes that use Apex classes to process incoming email messages. When you set up an email service, we need to generate a special email address in which salesforce will receive your emails. For same we need to create one apex class to implement Messaging.InboundEmailHandler interface . The email services will then invoke a handleInboundEmail method on the Apex class whenever an email is received on the email address.

NOTE:- Before creating email services we need to create Apex classes that implement the Messaging.InboundEmailHandler interface.

STEP 1:- Create one Apex class with Messaging.InboundEmailHandler

global class EmailServiceExample implements Messaging.InboundEmailHandler 
 global Messaging.InboundEmailResult handleInboundEmail(Messaging.inboundEmail email,Messaging.InboundEnvelope env)
  // Create an InboundEmailResult object for returning the result of the Apex Email Service
  Messaging.InboundEmailResult result = new Messaging.InboundEmailResult();
   List<Contact> contList= [SELECT Id, Name, Email FROM Contact WHERE Email = :email.fromAddress LIMIT 1];
   Task taskObj = new Task();
   taskObj.Description =  email.plainTextBody;
   taskObj.Priority = 'Normal';
   taskObj.Status = 'Inbound Email';
   taskObj.Subject = email.subject;
   taskObj.IsReminderSet = true;
   taskObj.ReminderDateTime =;
    taskObj.WhoId =  contList[0].Id;
   insert taskObj;    
  catch (Exception e) 
     System.debug('Exception : ' + e);
  result.success = true;
  return result;

STEP 2 :- Setup Email service

1) Go to Setup -->Develop->Email Services

2) Click on New Email Service
3) Then complete all below information

4) then click on SAVE button.

STEP 3 :- Generate an email address

1) Click on "New Email Address" button

2) Then add all below detail

 3) Then click on SAVE button.

 You will see a new email address that salesforce will monitor, emails received on this address will trigger the associated Apex code.

STEP 4 :- Testing of email service

1) Create one contact with sender email address.
2) Then send email from given email domain to same email address.

Please check next post for Apex Email Service Test class

Amit Chaudhary